





主持安徽省自然科学基金面上项目、乐动在线官方|中国有限公司官网科学研究发展基金重大项目及乐动在线官方|中国有限公司官网人才科研基金项目以第一作者在《PlantSci.》、《Ecotox.Environ. Safe.》、《Ann.Bot.》和《Int.J. Mol. Sci.》杂志发表论文5篇;其中1篇为ESI高被引。

  1. GuQ,Xiao Q, Chen Z, Han Y.Crosstalk between Melatonin and Reactive Oxygen Species inPlantAbiotic Stress Responses: An Update. IntJ Mol Sci. 2022,23:5666.

  2. GuQ,Wang C, Xiao Q, Chen Z, Han Y. Melatonin confers plant cadmiumtolerance: An update. Int J Mol Sci. 2021, 22:11704.

  3. GuQ,Chen Z, Cui W, Zhang Y, Hu H, Yu X, Wang Q, Shen W. Methanealleviates alfalfa cadmium toxicity via decreasing cadmiumaccumulation and reestablishing glutathione homeostasis. Ecotox.Environ. Safe. 2018, 147:861-871.

  4. GuQ,Chen Z, Yu X, Cui W, Pan J, Zhao G, Xu S, Wang R, Shen W. Melatoninconfers plant tolerance against cadmium stress via the decrease ofcadmium accumulation and reestablishment of microRNA-mediated redoxhomeostasis. Plant Sci. 2017, 261:28-37. (ESI高被引论文)

4.ChenZ1,GuQ1,Yu X, Huang L, Xu S, Wang R, Shen W, Shen W. Hydrogen peroxide actsdownstream of melatonin to induce lateral root formation. Ann. Bot.2018, 121:1127-1136.
