





乐动在线官方|中国有限公司官网、安徽省科学技术协会、安徽省环境科学学会、德国罗斯托克大学、哥廷根应用科学大学等机构分别于20065月和20086月在中国安徽省合肥市共同成功举办了第一届和第二届“亚欧环境技术与知识转化国际会议”。大会邀请过世界知名学者奥地利里奥本矿山大学Karl E.Lorber教授、德国慕尼黑工业大学再生资源功能研究中心主任Martin Faulstich教授、德国罗斯托克大学Michael Nelles 教授、德国德累斯顿工业大学的Bernd Bilitewski教授,以及欧盟驻北京办事处、GTZ(德国技术合作公司)驻北京办事处和来自德国、奥地利的相关企业和专家,来自亚洲的韩国、泰国、越南,以及国内中国科学技术大学、南京大学、同济大学和中国矿业大学等高校的著名学者教授都做了主题发言,获得了很好的学术影响。两次会议都收编了论文集,其中第二届会议论文集的全部论文收录于CPCI(原ISTP

现经过多次协商,最终决定由乐动在线官方|中国有限公司官网、安徽省科学技术协会、安徽省省环境科学学会、德国罗斯托克大学、德国哥廷根应用科学大学、美国北卡罗来纳州立大学联合举办“第三届环境技术及知识转化国际会议” (英文名:“3rd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer ” ( 3rd ICET ))。本次会议定于201051314在中国安徽省合肥市举行。会议将秉承先前的会议宗旨,继续为国际环境技术及知识转化提供发展平台,同时进一步扩展环境技术在工程领域的应用,为广大专家、学者和企业提供更为广泛的交流机会。



















地址:安徽省合肥市黄山路373      邮编:230022



联 系 人:吴克教授      +86-(0)551-2158448

俞志敏教授    +86-(0)551-2158455

咨询电话:马甜甜老师    +86-(0)551-2158150

传真: +86-(0)551-3635609

E-mail:  cetk@yahoo.cn(咨询)、icet_isee@yahoo.cn(论文呈交)












































3rd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer

( 13-14. May 2010, Hefei, China )

List of Speakers

(Continually updating.......)





1. Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles

德国罗斯特克大学 农业与环境科学学院环境工程研究所主任;




2. Prof. Dr. Achim Loewen






3. Prof. Dr. Raninger, Bernhard

SYIAE, Shenyang (CIM/GTZ)

Topic: The Sino-German Project on Optimization of Efficient Biomass Utilization



North America


1. Prof. Dr. Suidan, Makram T.


Dr. Suidan is a distinguished professor in Environmental Engineering at University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. He is an internationally recognized scholar in environmental engineering and an expert in wastewater treatment, hazardous waste management, environmental system simulation, and emerging pollutants in environmental protection. Dr. Suidan received his PhD in Environmental Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champion (UIUC) in 1975. He has made extraordinary contributions to the environmental protection in his career: taught Environmental Engineering at George Institute of Technology, UIUC, and University of Cincinnati; published over 230 refereed journal articles and 13 books/book chapters, plus numerous conference presentations; served as Associate Editor and Editor of Journal of Environmental Engineering. Dr. Suidan has been invited to present his work in numerous institutions and governmental agencies in Asia, Americas, Africa, and Europe. He has received a long list of rewards including the Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor Award in 1993 and Distinguished Lecturer in 1996 by the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, Distinguished Engineer of the Year by Engineers and Scientists of Greater Cincinnati in 1998, Distinguished Alumnus by University of Illinois in 2000, Academic Achievement Award by American Water Works Association in 2002, and Publication Committee Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2003, and Outstanding Doctoral Mentoring Award in 2004 and Distinguished Research Professor Award in 2006 by University of Cincinnati.


2. Prof. Dr. Cheng, Jay J


Jay J. Cheng is a Professor of Bioprocessing and Environmental Engineering in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University. He joined the N.C. State University faculty as an Assistant Professor in 1997. Prior to that time he served as Lecturer and Fermentation Division Director in Food Engineering Department at Jiangxi Polytechnic University (now renamed as Nanchang University) and Research Associate at University of Cincinnati. He graduated from Jiangxi Institute of Technology (now Nanchang University) in China with BS in Chemical Engineering, St. Cyril & Methodius University in Macedonia with MS in Biological Engineering, and University of Cincinnati in USA with PhD in Environmental Engineering.

Professor Cheng has been recognized with several major awards including Top Honors Award for Visual Aids in Teaching from Jiangxi Polytechnic University in 1988, the First Place in Ph.D. Category of the Water Environment Federation Student Paper Competition in 1995, the First Place Poster Presentation Award at the Water Environment Federation 73rd Annual Meeting in 2000, and US Fulbright Scholar in 2005.

Dr. Cheng has taught courses in fermentation, environmental engineering, and bioenergy areas during his professional career. His research interests include brewing, anaerobic digestion of waste materials, nutrient recovery from wastewater with aquatic plant, and biomass conversion to biofuel. He has published over 40 articles in refereed scientific journals and more than 60 papers in national and international technical conferences on these topics. He has been invited to present over 30 key-note speeches and seminars in China, Europe, and North and South Americas. He has served as an Associate Editor for Journal of Environmental Engineering and in more than 15 international and national professional committees.


3. Prof. Dr. Sung, Shihwu


Dr. Sung is registered professional engineer in Civil and Environmental engineering. He was an environmental engineering consultant prior to his academic position.  He has more than fifteen years of consulting experience in industrial and agricultural waste engineering.  His research interests are in biological treatment processes applied to municipal, industrial, agricultural liquid and solid wastes.  His recent research has emphasized in waste biomass-to-energy technologies, i.e., new high-rate anaerobic reactor development, biohydrogen production, syngas fermentation to alcohol production, and anammox biological nutrient removal.  He has published more than fifty referred journal papers and book chapters in the field of environmental engineering.


4. Prof. Dr. Shih, Jason


Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Waste for Biogas Production

North Carolina State University


5. Dr. Seigneur, Christian


Director, Joint Laboratory École des Ponts ParisTech /  EDF R&D Université Paris-Est.

Christian Seigneur is currently the Director of Cerea (Centre d’enseignement et de recherche en environnement atmosphérique), which is the Atmospheric Environment Center at the University of Paris (Université Paris-Est). This research center is located at the École des Ponts ParisTech, which is the top civil engineering school in France and the oldest engineering school in the world. From 1996 to 2008, Dr. Seigneur was Vice President at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. (AER), a private R&D company in the United States of America (USA). At AER, he founded and managed the Air Quality Division, which was based in San Ramon near San Francisco, California.

Dr. Seigneur is also a member of the Clean Air Science Advisory Committee (CASAC) review panel of experts that advises the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the new regulations for nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides. He has been a member of several expert panels on mercury, ozone, particulate matter and various other air pollution topics.

Dr. Seigneur received his M.S. in chemistry from the Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech), France, and his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota, USA. He has published over 100 research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals on various aspects of air pollution science and has been author or co-author of over 200 presentations at conferences. His most cited article (Seigneur et al., « Global source attribution for mercury deposition in the United States », Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 555-569, 2004) has been cited over 100 times in the literature.

Dr. Seigneur has led the development of several air quality models that have been used by air quality agencies in the United States, Asia and Europe. In particular, he led the development of several models for atmospheric mercury, particulate matter and plume visibility. He developed atmospheric chemical mechanisms for mercury, chromium and the formation of sulfate and nitrate species. His current research work focuses on the atmospheric deposition of toxic air pollutants (including mercury), the impacts of road-traffic on air pollution and the formation of ultra-fine particulate matter.


6. Prof. Dr. Zhang, Yang


Dr. Zhang is a Professor and Director of Air Quality Forecasting Laboratory in the Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC.  She holds a Ph.D. degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from the University of Iowa and a B.S. degree in Environmental Engineering from Tsinghua University, China.   Her research interests include air pollution modeling and assessment, atmospheric chemistry and transport cloud/aerosol chemistry and microphysics, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, and interactions among chemistry, meteorology, and climate change.  She has led or contributed to the development, application, evaluation, and improvement of several major three-dimensional models on urban, regional, and global scales including STEM III, GChM, MIRAGE, SCICHEM, CMAQ, CMAQ-MADRID, CAMx, MM5, WRF, and mesoscale and global-through-urban WRF/Chem and WRF/Chem-MADRID.  Dr. Zhang was a recipient of the U.S. National Science Foundation Career Award in Atmospheric Chemistry in 2004.  She was one of the seven invited members of the first Peer Review Panel Committee for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Models-3/Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System in 2004.  She was a chairperson for the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Membership Committee during 2006-2009.  She has been the chairperson for the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Atmospheric Chemistry Committee and the co-chair for the Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry as part of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting since 2008.  She serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for China Environmental Science since 2006 and as an International Advisor for a project on the 2010 Shanghai World Expo Ambient Air Quality Monitoring & Development of Air Pollution Forecasting System that is being led by Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center since 2009.  She has authored or co-authored 57 peer-reviewed journal publications, 116 conference papers and technical reports, and 230 conference presentations and invited seminars.  Her publication citation from the ISI Web of Sciences is over 1300.  She is a member of A&WMA, AAAR, AGU, AMS, and Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.




1. Prof. Dr. Xiangke, Wang


Centurial Project” fellow of CAS;

Professor and Dean of Applid Plasma Branch;

Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Dr Xiangke WANG is now the dean of the Applied Plasma Branch in Institute of Plasma Physics. Professor Wang received his PhD in Chemistry from Lanzhou University in 2000. He has published to date 90 refereed articles in professional journals and 2 books. Additionally, he is the editor of “The Open Colloid Science Journal” and the editor of “The Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal”.

Dr Wangs research has focused on environmental fate of radionuclides, heavy metal ions and organic pollutants, and treatment of water and waste water by chemical and plasma techniques.  His current research areas also include the application of plasma technique and nanomaterials in waste management.



2. Prof. Dr. Youcai, Zhao












3. Prof. Dr. WON-CHUN OH



The design for decrease of T-N, T-P from piggery wastewater (Apr. 2003 - Feb. 2004)

And other 20 reports …


Fertilizer comprising food reuse and activated carbon and manufacturing method thereof Kr. Patent No. 0496215

And other 15 Patents …